EWS Kids Race
Registration: Sunday, 19th June, 08:00
Training: Sunday, 19th June, 10:00
Race: Sunday, 19th June, 10:00
Kids are our future. That´s why the Black Hole Bike Fest organizes an international Enduro World Series Kids Race. We enjoy seeing the biking community grow in friendship and responsible citizenship. These are the values we want to hand on to our youngest. So, on this day the youngest riders come together, have fun riding their bikes and challenge each other at an international kids race.
19th June is also going to be a day for young heroes on the bikes as well! Race EWS KIDS is open in following race categories: U7 (stage 1), U9 (S 1+2), U11 (S 1-3), U13 & U15 (S 2-4), with terrain around the Petzen gondola being proper for the young shredders. Free entry for all!
Proposition & registration on Prijavim.se: https://prijavim.se/calendar/checkings/4625//

Sunday, 19th June, 14:00
Around 14:00 first riders of the EWS race will cross the finish line at the bottom of Petzen. While you are watching the best mountain bikers in the world crossing the finish line, look up in the sky to see acro paragliding stunts.
Saturday, 18th June, 19:00
Aftershowparty starts right after the EWS-100 award ceremony at the main event area on Petzen. Live music, good vibes and cold drinks.
Sunday, 19th June, 18:30
DJ Set on the menu, right after the EWS winning ceremony on Sunday, to wrap things up as the sun sets behind Mt.Peca/Petzen.

“Respect Nature” is the expression of the fundamental values of the mountain biking world. Our countryside, plants and animals are our global heritage and mark our nature. Only together can we preserve our heritage, including by separating our waste and disposing of it accordingly. The Enduro World Series 2018 in Petzen/Jamnica is one of the first events of this size to deny the use of disposable plastic altogether. We ask your understanding for the deposit on cups. We would also like to ask you to hang on to your rubbish at all stages and only dispose of it in the relevant bins at the event venue.